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|Coronal Mass Ejections | SOHO/LASCO Comets | Solar Sounds | SOHO Spacecraft |

970407ed | 970407eg | 970407c3 | 9704c2c3 | 970409c1c2 | 970407flare



The EIT instrument is witnessing here the beginning of a spectacular chain of events. Initiating with an explosive flare, a density wave is propagates across the solar surface.Shortly afterwards, the LASCO-telescopes observe a major  mass  ejection   being launched  in direction towards  the Earth.The associated magnetic cloud reaches the Earth three days later and there causes  a perturbation  of its magnetosphere,  a so-called  magnetic storm.The  movie  shows   running  differences  between successively taken images.This technique is particularly sensitive to temporal changes in the images.The  primary  images   were  recorded  at  a wave  length of 19.5 nm due to emissions of chromospheric Fe XII ions.

7.4.1997 13:41 - 7.4.1997
16 frames, 640x480, 4.69MB (MVI), 0.26MB (MPEG), source: EIT


The EIT instrument is witnessing here the beginning of a spectacular chain of events. Initiating with an explosive flare, a density wave is propagates across the solar surface. Shortly afterwards, the LASCO-telescopes observe a major mass ejection being launched in direction towards the Earth. The associated magnetic cloud reaches the Earth three days later and there causes a perturbation of its magnetosphere, a so-called magnetic storm. The images were recorded at a wave length of 19.5 nm due to emissions of chromospheric Fe XII ions.

7.4.1997 00:03 - 7.4.1997 17:15
57 frames, 512x512, 14.26MB (MVI), 0.30MB (MPEG), source: EIT


The halo-event  from  the 7th April 1996 as  seen by LASCO-C2 in white light. The sequence of images shows difference images relative to a reference image taken at the beginning of the sequence.

7.4.1997 14:27 - 7.4.1997 18:33
10 frames, 640x480, 2.93MB (MVI), 0.71MB (MPEG), source: NRL


The halo-event  from the  7th April 1996 as seen  by LASCO-C3 in white light. The sequence of images shows difference images relative to a reference image   taken at the beginning of the sequence.

7.4.1996 14:27 - 7.4.1996 18:33
18 frames, 640x480, 5.28MB (MVI), 0.24MB (MPEG), source: NRL

The halo-event from the 7th April 1996 as seen by LASCO-C2 and C3 in white light. The sequence  of images  shows  difference  images  relative  to   a reference image taken at the beginning of the sequence.
7.4.1997 12:19 - 7.4.1997 18:33
16 frames, 640x480, 4.40MB (MVI), 0.25MB (MPEG), source: NRL
7.4.1997 12:19 - 7.4.1997 18:33
9 frames, 1024x512, 4.7MB(MVI), 0.83MB(MPEG), (halfres.: 512x256, 0.24MB, MPEG) source: MPAe



questions and comments:

Rainer Schwenn schwenn@linmpi.mpg.de
Borut Podlipnik podlipnik@linmpi.mpg.de